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Start exercising regularly!

We have been exercising for health for over 30 years!

We all know that people are happy when they are healthy. However, while we all want to be healthy, why do we do so little to be healthy?

Why you should exercise

Why exercise? This is a question with many answers. Exercise has a positive impact on our health, well-being, appearance and quality of life. Learn more about why you should be active:

What does strength training and power training mean

Strength training and power training are two types of resistance training that focus on developing muscle strength and power. However, they are often confused or used interchangeably.

Fitness exercises for women

Fitness training can be tailored to individual goals, preferences and fitness levels and often includes a combination of aerobic exercise, resistance training (weight training) and flexibility training. Learn more:

Cardio workout

Why exercise? This is a question with many answers. Exercise has a positive impact on our health, well-being, appearance and quality of life. Learn more about why you should be active:

How to delay aging

Aging is a process that is probably written in our genes. However, aging is not something that just happens and over which we have no control